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Mr. Snark


Super Simple Suppressor

There’s not really a lot to say about this one.

1. Make sure it’s legal where you live to make this. (This design was built and tested in a

country with less ridiculous suppressor laws)

2. This design was made for use with SunLu ABS or PA like resin.(try other materials at

your own risk)

3. Place the muzzle end flat on the print bed for slicing, no supports required.

The Short one has been successfully tested on a Beretta Bobcat using supersonic and subsonic rounds with decibel levels ranging between 105-117db.

The long one has been successfully tested with 8″ barrels, and is noticeably quieter than the short one, but has not been tested on shorter barrels.

Thread interface is 1/2×28. Enjoy, stay safe, stay legal.

“Never give up” -The snark.

Parts List

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Parts Kits

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