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Bring an old GSG-MP522 back to life
This is a public open beta for the GSG Series of mp5 22lr rifles. (GSG-5, GSG-5 A, GSG-5 L, GSG-5 P, GSG-5 PK, GSG-522)
Only I have been able to test it on one kit so I’m not ready to do a full release till I get some more info on kit compatibility and user issues.
Kits can occasionally be found on gunbroker sub 100$.
It’s a two piece clamshell style receiver.
Just print and clip around the bolt assembly and barrel.
Coming Soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
The top source for 3D printable 22’s and Parts Kits. Bringing you all the best build guides, download links and information to help you complete your build.