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Black Lotus Coalition Presents


A much improved single shot

A Remix of punk juggle’s Cabfare 22lr Pistol by nameisnight
Release Date: 02/23/2022
Latest Update: 03/05/2022
While I like the original version of the Cabfare I found some issues and things I wanted to change, so I remixed it, now calling it the Gambino 22lr.
============= !! READ ME !! =============
Only use proper 22lr Barrel Liners with Rifling, Otherwise its Illegal and Dangerous
Only use Strong Epoxy such as JB Weld or Lock tight for the Barrel and Dime Breech
For first shots use a empty 22lr shell will bullet and gunpowder removed, Check for Issues.
For second shot use a Sub-Sonic 22lr bullet and fire remotely or at least use thick gloves and safety glasses, Check for issues.
If all pass and the gun does not show any cracks, brakes or issues, Shoot with caution and always check the gun for issues.
Along with all the required parts from the original package (1.2) you will need the following
1 US Dime (.10c)
1 Drilling Tool
1 3.5 mm Drill Bit
1 6 mm Drill Bit

Parts List

7: M3x20 screws

7: M3x20 nuts

1: 13/32 spring

1: 3/8 spring

1: 23/64 spring

1: predrilled dime breach

1: UFA weight for compliance

22 caliber chambered and rifled Barrel Liner:
50mm for short barrel

100mm for long barrel


Coming soon…

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