This website is not for children. If you are not legal age to own a firearm in your location, please leave this site immediately.
Not a harlot
This project started as a case study to determine the smallest amount of printed material that could be used to safely accelerate a lead projectile while retaining a solid grip index and crisp trigger feel. It then evolved into a customizable platform for a potent little
pistol. I do hope you enjoy it.
This is an advanced print and requires a highly calibrated printer as well as properly calibrated filament settings. Use only filament with which you are familiar and have printed validation in the form of calibration cubes and temp towers.
If you’re unsure- do your own research and do not trust the recommendation of others.
The project is named Cabfare not only because it costs less than a ride home, but I have loved small pistols since seeing the sliding one in DeNiro’s sleeve in the movie Taxi Driver.
6: 25mm M3 screws.
1: 15mm+ M3 screw.
7: M3 Hex nuts.
1: approx. 1⁄4 x 13/32 Spring.
1: approx. 3/8 x 3⁄4 Spring.
1: approx. 23/64 x 1 3/8 Spring
1: Grip weight for UFA compliance
Coming soon…
The top source for 3D printable 22’s and Parts Kits. Bringing you all the best build guides, download links and information to help you complete your build.